View Full Version : Emulating the Video- The Video

06-10-2005, 07:08 PM
Well, my skills have definitely gotten better. I've been practicing what was on the end of the LLC video- so one day home studaying for finals, I needed a way to procrastinate so I made this video.

Here it is: http://pixparty.com/zolihonig/index.asp?ptype=v&videoid=6302

It may take a few minutes to load it's a 10 MB movie

BTW PIX party is a great place to host videos (free)


06-10-2005, 07:42 PM
Way cool ~~~

Jim Headley
Segway Orange County
~ STEP UP ! ~

06-10-2005, 09:09 PM
Nice choice of music. (I actually paused Elephunk to click over and watch your video.) However, if I may add some constructive criticism:
-Good opening and closing. The counting leader and closing leader have a unique (i.e. not canned or over-used) and good look to them for this video.
-Some shots are great. Seeing and hearing the seg move within inches of the camera is cool and works excellent for this camera position.
If I was going to make this same movie, here are things I would change:
-More angles. A mixture of ground, seg-mounted knee level, stationary tripod, seg-mounted handlebar, and (if you could swing it) steady cam shots would really be good.
-More cuts / better editing. This goes with the more angles idea. You need more variety to make this video stand out and look really cool (which i think it could). The same rainbow color change filter/fade effect is old by about the 2nd time you use it. Combining this same effect with a strobe effect or quick-cuts (matching the beat of the music in the appropriate place) could yield some good results.
-More stunts. Going up on one wheel that many times on an HT is just as redundant and mundane as seeing someone going up onto 2 wheels with the centaur. (except on the centaur it looks more stupid. Just my opinion but a 4-wheeled machine should keep all 4 of its wheels on the ground unless executing an especially tight turn, or brief stunt.) If you have the skill, try going down some stairs. Or try "dancing" with the segway. Experiment with more fluid and rigid, break-dance inspired moves. Just wear a helmet and shin pads until you've perfected the moves.
- Wear more colorful clothing. This is a minor point, but considering this colorful song (and the "colorful" artists behind it) some less drab clothing would be good here and add flavor to the video.
- Buy a Mac. This is more of a personal bias than a creative one, but it seems all these wmv videos I see put out on the web are seriously lacking in creative effort and professionalism. Granted, not every iMovie resembles a Ridley Scott epic, but its a lot easier to get better looking results with the tools that are (exclusively) available on the mac.

[Disclaimer - This post was not in any way meant to offend, make mad, or piss off the reader(s) of said post. If said reader(s) are offended, made mad, or pissed off, then get over it. I bet you've got more imprtant things to do than get hot under the collar over a random internet forum post like this.]

06-10-2005, 09:45 PM
I'm far too square an old white guy to claim to know anything about that music, but this I will say...

The sound has a good rythm and beat. I thought the action on the seg was well matched to the music and more importantly, the whole situation looked like there was a great deal of fun involved...

I say, "Great job!" You should be proud of this effort.

Karl Ian Sagal

Each road you travel should be just a bit better for having had you pass.

06-10-2005, 10:53 PM
I really liked it Zoli.

06-10-2005, 11:50 PM
NICE! Did you paint your wheels Zoli? They almost look like the Veg-O-Matics.

Edit: Sorry, I realized it's an i170 ... the wheels looked really light-colored, but it's just the lighting.


06-11-2005, 12:15 AM
Who do you know in ER?


Where goeth I, goeth my Segway.

06-11-2005, 01:48 AM
Hi Zoli,

Great video, I really liked it.

Kind regards,


Visit http://www.florin-webdesign.nl/segwayinfo if you want to stay up-to-date on the situation about the Segway HT in the Netherlands.

06-11-2005, 02:43 AM

I love Segway and want it in Hong Kong~~!

06-11-2005, 03:05 AM

Wel done!!!!

Next step - make that wheel spin.

Gadol, Kol Hakvod!

- Yossi

06-11-2005, 07:26 AM
Hi Zoli - your video is great! Just downloaded it and watched it again. Those tricks are really cool and the choice of music fantastic. Should include it in the training video - "DO NOT try this at home" LOL!

Be honest now, how much practicing was required and how many bruises do you have ;)



To segue, or not to segue, that is the question.

06-11-2005, 07:29 AM
You make it look easy!


To segue, or not to segue, that is the question.

06-11-2005, 10:38 PM
Woah! Big Responce- Lets go in order-

Thanx Jim if it wasn'y for you I couldn't have made this ideo at all.

Apollo- don't worry I'm not pissed, jjust this was somethring i threw together in like an hour and a half- if it was like for publication and whatever I would do it much better. I was thinking about different angles and stuff but I wasn't in the mood- maybe sooner or later I'll do something like that- once my finals are over maybe.

Thanx Karl

Thanx Pam
Broo- I plan on getting the new wheels sooner or later- i think they look way cool-er


Bob- huh? ER?

florin- thanx man

Skywalker- thanx


yossi- yeah I got to get to work on that tricks- it's really annoying to do with my bag on it so its really just a chore to take my 25.0 bag off to practice it. Sooner or later i'll perfect it.

Gareth- I practiced a lot- like waiting for the light at street corners or just when I was segging for fun. Truthfully I didn't have any bruises- when I started I would do the tricks really slowly and worked my way up.


06-12-2005, 08:38 PM
Hey Zoli, I'll throw in my 2cents!

(like the tricycle kid in The Incredibles): THAT WAS TOTALLY AWESOME!

You're coming to DC for SegwayFest right?


06-12-2005, 08:52 PM
Tim, Thanx and I have to see what my schedule with school is- but even if I can come it will only be for Sunday, I can't make it on Saturdays.


06-12-2005, 09:07 PM
Emergency Room


Where goeth I, goeth my Segway.

06-14-2005, 10:25 PM
Oh Sorry, I guess I was just spaced- no, no one yet (and hopefully never)
