View Full Version : NYC glides - press release - pre announcement

Itsi Atkins
12-07-2004, 01:19 AM
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: itsi Atkins

Segway glides, now available!
For NYC Holiday Gifts
1-hour demonstration
Training, & evaluation

Gift Certificates on sale
Smart Environmental and Green choices for NYC transportation
New York, New York December 8, 2004 – SegwayNYNY one of the nations oldest and most active owners club has announced that beginning Dec. 11, 2004 that Segway riding experiences will be offered to residents and visitors of New York City. The private club, which is not affiliated with the manufacturer SegwayLLC, was established in June of 2003. During the past eighteen months the founder Edwin “itsi” Atkins has provided leadership, pro-active support for “epamd” legislation and acceptance of the SegwayHT. Mr. Atkins has provided safe and effective public awareness for the center stabilization technology. The newly reorganized group has invited the public and proponents of Smart Environmental and Green alternative transportation choices to join the club. Upon membership fees of $100.00 (50% in advance) the member receives training, a 1-hour Segway glide & performance evaluation. Members receive, club id, glide certificate & performance report card. The gift certificates will be offered at many venues in NYC during the Holiday Season. Contact: itsi Atkins 917.861.8024 www.segwaynyny.com

12-07-2004, 11:18 AM

When is the website going to be up??

Stuart Bloom - Rolls-Royce Corporation
FIRST Team 1018 - Pike High School "RoboDevils"

“Who goes out and says, ‘You have a better probability of winning the state lottery than making a nickel in professional sports. And by the way, last year two million exciting technical jobs went unfilled in this country because you weren't there to take that job. And it pays you 10 times as much as flipping burgers, and it's fun and it's exciting and you get to create things and build things and help make the world a better place and help make yourself a better living.’ Who tells them this?”
Dean Kamen, founder - FIRST Robotics

12-07-2004, 01:32 PM

I love your approach. You have been very patient as well as persistent with the situation in NYC. As long as you can give the glides in a way that does not bother the authorities, this seems like a win-win situation.

You will be giving locals a chance to enjoy being responsible enthusiasts with a chance to glide. And you will be building a warchest and enlisting troops at the same time.


May all your days be Segway days!

Itsi Atkins
12-07-2004, 02:02 PM
The "locals" of New York City are people from all over the world. The number of visitors who will return to their home with the NYC Glide Experience may change the way many think about the future of SEG's.
My push is not for owners, they are hooked and in, it is the tourist who want to be part of the movement and have a glide, be trained, meet new people, and be part of an international club. The spin off marketing of this effort can be very rewarding. This is very similiar to the way airplane travel was marketed. Many bi planes went to local fair grounds and gave flights during the 1930's. I still have a id certificate of flight card which was given to my great grandfather in 1932. We can pull this off. During the winter my Segway experiences are on private property. Only after the break in period and media support will I go outside during the spring of 05.

12-07-2004, 06:57 PM

Since I don't live in a 'destination' city, I didn't think all the way through to realize how international an audience you will have. I had the small scale myopic vision of you giving local New Yorkers, who aren't ready to buy yet, a chance to experience the glide, and that would increase the numbers of people behind your efforts for reasonable legislation in NYC. But I like your vision of the bigger picture!

Even though I work for the Florida Legislature while living in the capitol city of Florida, I have a small town sort of an attitude. And Tallahassee is still a small town kind of a place.


May all your days be Segway days!

Itsi Atkins
12-07-2004, 10:35 PM
I wasn't knocking you, your posting was a chance to explain the Big Picture for support of the technology. Even when LLC moves to new products which may have other names, the same population will want to be part of it. Many people just want to try it, prove they did it and return with a special moment in their memory bank. I hope I can offer this to all who visit the Big Apple.

Itsi Atkins
12-21-2004, 09:07 PM
If you want your Segway information posted on our links and contacts page please send it to me. thanks