View Full Version : Site/Forum Suggestions (Wishlist)

08-30-2002, 01:53 PM

Please post any site specific or forum specific suggestions you have. We want to make the forum as comfortable and easy to use as possible. If you have any problems accessing anything on the site, please send an e-mail to: segwaychat@segwaychat.com describing the problem.


Frank A. Tropea
Ginger : Robotics :: PC : Computers

09-01-2002, 10:04 AM
Frank, I would like to see a dedicated Segway search engine here, one that would compile most of the news so that we would not have to go elsewere to get the latest Segway news. Dweebcabal has one.

I would also like an area where facts can be organized and stored for easy reference. Something similar to what Spliff has done.

I would also like to see guidlines for posting on this forum for users and for moderators. U may have done something already without me noticing?

09-01-2002, 03:54 PM

Good ideas, as always. I can do the news search.. I'll work on it.

I have a concept for Rumors/Facts.. How about a locked message? I can create the message, put a link for it on the site, and you could keep it updated. Users don't need to search for the thread - they just click the link. It'll be locked so there won't be replies.

As far as posting guidelines - it's on the backburner. I'll look into that! Thanks.

09-01-2002, 07:46 PM
Maybe change the Title of the site? It currently reads 'Net IPGate Include' :)

09-02-2002, 12:41 AM
Good point baantjer! Problem solved :)

That's 2 points credit for 'ya... :P


Frank A. Tropea
Ginger : Robotics :: PC : Computers

09-02-2002, 11:32 AM
Getting there ...:)

The homepage has now the proper title, but the forum pages not (yet).

09-02-2002, 11:47 AM
My tray menus still call them Net IPGate. Doesn't bother me, just an observation.


09-02-2002, 01:05 PM
How about now?

This was a tricky one to fix... status bar titles should be OK now :)

09-23-2002, 08:12 PM
My wishlist:
A forum policy document (both On Topic and Off Topic) A voting process for banning somebody (votes might have unequal weights) A person's profile page to reflect a banned status (and why)

Count me out if not two of these wishes can come true.

09-23-2002, 08:38 PM
I'm working on clarifying things a bit.

I don't think voting people off is going to happen.. this isn't "Survivor" :)

In terms of indicating publicly why someone was banned, shouldn't that be a private thing between the admin and the user? We're not looking to humiliate anyone here...

Hate to lose you baantjer, but it looks like only 1/3 of those things are definitely going to happen.. and only in terms of clarifying things.


Frank A. Tropea

09-24-2002, 12:45 AM
Frank, I appreciate you clearified the permisable topics for this forum

If it is not required to disclose any personal details beyond a (disposable) email address to get access to this forum then it is in noway a violation of privacy to pronounce the 'demise' of a alias and the reason why.

By not announcing the 'deactivation' of an alias it is like letting somebody disappear without trace.

By including it in the profile, only people that really want to know will read it. It is not like I ask for an explicitly public display.

I really thought I asked for 2 reasonable items and 1 difficult item. I am not surprised that the voting didn't make it (the comparison with Survivor however is cheap), but I am disappointed and will be out of here.

Good luck with your forum.

Unless something changes this will be my last post, bye.


09-24-2002, 12:58 AM
Take care Pieter ... thanks for your contributions. Hope to see you back sometime.


09-24-2002, 12:59 AM
Sorry to hear that Baantjer. You would always be welcome back, anytime! Take care.


Frank A. Tropea

12-20-2002, 06:18 AM
Where to start? I just rode the segway in Los Angeles (Dec. 17) and I MUST own one.
As for suggestions.....is there any way to have an actual chat area? Ain't no time like realtime.
I also have a question about TIQ....what, where, when?
Lastly, (and this may be over the top) When i think of the Segway I am amazed, joyful and hopeful that we (society) might be moving in a direction other than confilict. To read posts about the legality of this forum name or of the seeming importance of being able to ban someone from the sight, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. By the same token, I respect our basic freedoms and celebrate the idividuals right to express. I gotta ask though, is this really a place we want to introduce or entertain those learned societal traits? Let's leave the legality and social snobbery at the door and continue to celebrate the Segway, it'll just make it better. (i'm sure i'm in for a good flaming)
Good reading here at the forum and hope to read more as the Segway takes over the world!

12-21-2002, 01:40 AM
quote:Lastly, (and this may be over the top) When i think of the Segway I am amazed, joyful and hopeful that we (society) might be moving in a direction other than confilict. To read posts about the legality of this forum name or of the seeming importance of being able to ban someone from the sight, leaves a bad taste in my mouth. By the same token, I respect our basic freedoms and celebrate the idividuals right to express. I gotta ask though, is this really a place we want to introduce or entertain those learned societal traits? Let's leave the legality and social snobbery at the door and continue to celebrate the Segway, it'll just make it better. (i'm sure i'm in for a good flaming)
Hello Nine_Volt. I think its great that you had a chance to get a Segway HT ride in Cali! Do you live in that area?

Great idea about having a live chat discussion added to this site, but not everyone is online at the same time to be able to talk to one another. I think it was a good idea to have a forum, everyone would get a chance to hear one another.

Why do you feel the discussion of the "legality" of Segway "leaves a bad taste in you mouth"? I think its one of the more important social issues that has everyone interested on this forum.

12-21-2002, 03:49 PM
Hey Blinky,
I'm a complete newb to forums so forgive the lack of knowledge. The actual quote was "legality of this site name" referring to the questions about this sites name being illegal. The legality of segway as it relates to society and the acceptance of segway among us is valid and intriguing.
I think the arguements for/against the segway have a familiar ring. They're the same rhetoric used by the left/right to discuss global warming, societal direction, etc.... I can't help but put to rest some of these "rumors".
1) The "non-poluting" arguement is a falacy. The electricity used to power any of our "alternative" forms of transportation comes from (largely) burning coal. Obviously not an entirely clean power source. The total contribution to global greenhouse gasses by the human race is around 1%. Not the meat of the problem one would think. By far the most aggregious offender is the beautiful deep green sea.
2) That segway will contribute to the overall fattening of america....wow, where to start on this one. We need to be clear on the subject matter. Those who believe this must be talking about people who are not already fat (otherwise we wouldn't be pointing the finger at segway for making us "more" fat). So we're to believe that skinny people will suddenly make the decision to ride segway instead of doing any of their normal activities. I think most people use transportation to get to and from work, a job that is now relegated to the automobile. If we make a decision to use our segways to get to work we will be standing, not sitting, on our way to work. Standing burns more calories than sitting, ergo....the opposite will be true. Ridding segway will make society slimmer!!! Yeah!!!
I do live in Cali.....Studio City to be exact.
OK, waaay too much post for now. Just sharing some silly thoughts. Take care all.

12-21-2002, 04:54 PM
You can find my response in this thread in the Segway discussion forum. I don't want to make this forum off-topic..
