View Full Version : 1st day on the job, on the Segway

06-03-2004, 12:33 AM
Well it was uneventful.

Except for the fact that I got on the Segwqy before 'he' was ready and it toppled! Basically I did a George Dubya there, but only one person saw, I cooly got up and kept on. Anyway, I was surprised how LITTLE attention it drew.. I think the little 3"x3" blue handicap sticker on the bottom kept questions down (funny they ask about my legs all the time when I'm using a cane!)

I was quite nervous about drawing even more attention to myself, but it went smoothly. After work my boss asked how it went, if it helped. Sadly, my legs still hurt like hell, but I didn't get as hot and tired as usual. I didn't realize how much walking I did till I did it gliding, back and forth, back and forth. I'm sure my legs thank me some.

The main thing is, it's so natural to operate and I'm experienced enough that I just cruise around between the racks and shelves and can pivot and turn and back just fine. No one made any derrogatory comments (though one woman said, "Oh they got you a CART!" AAAK! What am I a horse??) I had my little bike basket on the front and used it for holding a few books that needed reshelving. That was pretty cool.

So I work again tomorrow night and hope it goes as well. The main thing is not to have ANY problems or issues or incidents or accidents here in the beginning, so that the use of the Segway becomes a permanent allowance.

It's some help for me, but hopefully help for both the Segway and the handicapped people who hope to do what I'm doing. Although I hate attention of that sort, I almost hope some news of it gets out so that the Segway gets highlighted as a handicapped device, not just some rich person's plaything.


06-03-2004, 01:42 AM
Hi, Shawnee. Glad to hear it went well. Got a kick out of your "horse?" comment. Did you leave it in balance mode for your whole shift, and how long is that? How'd the batteries hold up?

I guess the fact you were still on your feet didn't change, but at least it was less exertion. Hope the rest of the trial goes well.


06-03-2004, 10:41 AM
Shawnee - Congratulations!!!


06-03-2004, 06:11 PM

ONE small step for Segways!

-Bruce Wright

Segway: Vehicle of Dream

06-04-2004, 10:44 AM
Great news. You are breaking ground so that others can follow. Thanks.


06-04-2004, 09:16 PM
That's great news. I hope everything goes well for you. My wife and I just got back from Hawaii where she used the Segway because she can't walk very far. It's funny thinking back because we tended to let the one ingnorant comment bother us even though there were hundreds and hundreds of postive reactions. We are not much for attention but this is the best thing invented in my life because for the first time my wife feels freedom (to shop of course):) It is a tough road but we have decided to concetrate on the postive and know that we must educate people about the benefit of using the Segway. My wife always says that it has given her diginty back and it's alot more fun than sitting in a wheelchair.

Hang in there

06-06-2004, 12:52 AM
I had a lot of trouble with my legs at first. Standing still is hard on the body! I now do a lot of repositioning: switching my feet around, leaning on one leg then the other,standing tippie toe, etc.

This week I will begin using my Segway P at work, too!
I'm jazzed, and will check back hoping you will keep updating this list with how it is going for you.
How are you dealing with security? Keeping it behind the counter?
Inquiring minds want to know!


06-06-2004, 09:12 PM
Sean, welcome to Segway Chat! Loved to hear how it has given your wife back her freedom and dignity. That's great!


06-07-2004, 10:01 AM
Shawnee.... Baby step soon lead to a full length gait. Slow at first but soon to advance to bigger and better things. Congradulations and hang in there. JR SEG-ON SEG-RIGHT

06-16-2004, 10:43 AM
Hi Shawnee

I'm glad you found your first-day uneventful! That is a good sign... how has it been since then? do you have to get on and off the Segway often to reach for books low down? I know when I go to a video store I sort of ignore the videos that are on the bottom shelf... it seems too much hassle to get off the Segway, lean it against a shelf, look at the video and decide I'm not interested, and get back on again.

quote:It's funny thinking back because we tended to let the one ingnorant comment bother us even though there were hundreds and hundreds of postive reactions
it is funny isn't it? After nearly six months, I still get slightly upset every time I hear a "Oh God, how lazy..." comment. I can't go on to explain the whole story every time I hear this. In a way it is interesting, because why should I care what a stranger who knows nothing about me (let alone the possibilities of the Segway) thinks?

When I feel upset I too remind myself of how many positive people there have been, and also think that most of the "lazy comment" people would change their tune if they knew the whole story. But honestly, it still hurts a little... IT'S NOT THAT I'M LAZY, I JUST CAN'T WALK MUCH

Maybe I'm learning to have a thicker skin, which probably is a good thing!


Who said that you shouldn't get carried away on your Segway?

06-16-2004, 11:04 AM

Great report! We are all happy for you, and hope to see you at Segfest!

Ronny, how are you liking your accessories?


Think Different

Answers that Matter


06-16-2004, 11:28 AM
These wonderful postings make me feel proud to be a part of this revolution. My hat is off to you all...keep up the good work and don't let the negative comments grind you down, just consider the ignorant source of the comments part of the huge body of the uninformed.
We were lucky enough to be invited to do demos for the Chicago Tour Guides Association last evening and we were met with great enthusiasm, excitement, and many Segway Smiles. When we departed the area to go home we glided by a large contingent of baseball players and heard the ususal negative comment coming from one of the players who voiced his opinion so all could hear.
I think that is is difficult to ignore the one negative comment out of the hundreds of positive ones, but ignore it we must because it comes from ignorance.
We need to be focused, confident and let the negativity flow past us.
Keep up the good work![^]:D:);)