Boom Boom Man
03-24-2004, 05:50 PM
Come Glide in DC Sunday Morning at 10 am

Meet at the L'Enfant Plaza METRO station. At the 7th Street, Maryland Avenue, Smithsonian Museums Entrance, there's lots of
space...and the COOL new canopy!!

It is right on four of the five major lines
and would not involve transferring for many... not to
mention its close to the Mall, etc.

Let's glide out and see the tourists, their busses and the cherry blossoms!

DC SEG Members - Logon to the DC Segways Yahoo Chat Site http://www.google.com/group/dc-segways/
For a very important announcement regarding HT Research that the FHWA is doing. And see how you can get involved!

03-24-2004, 10:50 PM
Great Boom Boom and I will be there - got my call today about the FHW demo in April too! GLIDE ON DC SEG!

Will W Hopper,IFDA
Washington, DC, USA

Boom Boom Man
03-25-2004, 03:36 PM
Note Meeting Location Change: Time still 10 am Sunday Morning!

Meet at the L'Enfant Plaza METRO station. At the 7th Street, Maryland Avenue, Smithsonian Museums Entrance, there's lots of
space...and the COOL new canopy!!

03-26-2004, 10:00 PM
The Cherry Blossom Glide is open to anyone who wants to join us. Be they bicylists, pedestrians and anyone else who can put up with us crazy gliders. Come out and take part!

Will W Hopper,IFDA
Washington, DC, USA

03-28-2004, 02:57 PM
Great SEG DC Glide today - the tidal basin and the cherry blossoms are a wonderus sight to see. Lots of people, dogs and baby carriages - and no guard rails on the tidal basin - so it was good training. We got called "jerks" by one guy - and some woman looked at us with a snarl (she may not have been regular - or that just may be the way she looks at people, but mostly kids and adults were interested and positive. In all we had a great time. - Photos are on the DC SEG yahoo chat site, under photos.

Will W Hopper,IFDA
Washington, DC, USA