View Full Version : Segway keyport

11-04-2003, 06:42 PM
ok ok ok, I think ive got it! What do ya think about a Segway key port protector.


Havn't created a prototype of this one yet but here is the concept.

Its basicaly a way to keep your keyport dry and safe. Picture it like a watch for your segway. It has a velcro ring that goes around the keyport that attaches to the straps of the 'watch'. An identicaly shaped piece of velcro has a cover mounted on it, which is stuck to the bottom piece of velcro.

Allright, its hard to explain, hopefully the picture can help you...

Ill post more info once I create a prototype, but in the meantime tell me what you think!

(another idea: on the bottom of the cover you could attach an iButton so all you would have to do is press down the cover and vuwla, a quick start!)


11-06-2003, 09:58 PM
Would using, like say, a trimmed down sandwich baggie folded or tucked in, slid over the control shaft with a fat rubber band over both side ends work? So that it fits snug around the shaft keyport, preventing water or moisture in it, and is still clear. Kinda like a shower hat, type thing. To insert the key just lift and stretch the rubber band and plastic wrap over insert the key and then stretch it back over. Sounds simplier, to me anyway.

"Wouldn't it be cool, if?...is like Folgers in my cup"