View Full Version : Segway NYC invites You to Demo the SegwayHT

Itsi Atkins
11-02-2003, 05:31 PM
The Segway NYNY owners group, in celebration of the Brookstone retail sales agreement of the Segway Human Transport will offer free demonstrations to the interested New Yorkers. You can see and ride the Segway at our meeting on November 4th at the Patio Cafe in Dag Hammerskjold Park on 47th St. between 1st and 2nd Ave @ 5:00pm. All are welcome! The Segway New York Owners Group is an independent group and not affiliated with the manufacturer Segway LLC. Waiver signature required and please no minors.

Itsi Atkins
11-03-2003, 10:37 PM
Brookstones is giving out our flyer for demos, so it will be a help if members can show up. I can send anyone a copy of the waiver, just email me. Tomorrow at 5pm or afterwork if ok, at Cafe Blue (Cafe Patio) 47th st. betw. 1st - 2nd

11-04-2003, 12:24 AM
Great work New Yorkers. Please post some pictures of the crowds ... and those first time "Segway Smiles" when its over! I wish I could be there to help.

Itsi, I'll email you seperately for a copy of the waiver. I would like to use it as a model for one to be used for a FIRST team fundraiser using my Segway.

Stuart Bloom - Rolls-Royce Corporation
FIRST Team 1018 - Pike High School "RoboDevils"

“Who goes out and says, ‘You have a better probability of winning the state lottery than making a nickel in professional sports. And by the way, last year two million exciting technical jobs went unfilled in this country because you weren't there to take that job. And it pays you 10 times as much as flipping burgers, and it's fun and it's exciting and you get to create things and build things and help make the world a better place and help make yourself a better living.’ Who tells them this?”
Dean Kamen, founder - FIRST Robotics

11-04-2003, 08:57 AM
I wish I could be there. I should have taken today off!!!! Another case of impeccably (sp?) bad timing for Sal!


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