View Full Version : Snow Finally Melted!

12-29-2008, 12:01 AM
Well the snow melted in the backyard so here she is!

I got her on the 24th, but was MOSTLY restricted to the driveway and road due to the snow. I did drive her in the snow a bit though, that was tricky!


I would like an x2, but oh well. I don't really have a need for a Segway other than recreation because I work over 30 miles away and live in the country.:p

Does anyone know where I can get a GOOD kickstand? I believe I got the DSI kickstand (the package/instructions doesn't even a name brand) with my package deal, but it is horrible. Can't climb steps, flimsy design, etc.

I went from 0 to 46 miles in just four days all for fun!

12-29-2008, 01:56 PM
the logiway.fr kickstand is a good release... :thumbsup:


12-29-2008, 02:26 PM
Does anyone know where I can get a GOOD kickstand? I believe I got the DSI kickstand (the package/instructions doesn't even a name brand) with my package deal, but it is horrible. Can't climb steps, flimsy design, etc.
Welcome, Brad.

The deficiency that you mention for the DSI has been mentioned here before. The European designs seem to be very good, but they are extremely expensive in US dollars and very hard to find. A very rugged and extremely functional alternative is offered by one of the members here:
You can buy it from Segway OC and have them ship it to you.