View Full Version : George Bush's Resume (Part Two)

10-11-2006, 02:14 PM
Let's take this topic a bit further.

We have recently had two supposed nuclear explosions by the North Koreans. I say supposed as there is no evidence, except the bragging done by the North Koreans, that these were nuclear and not conventional explosions.

Question - How many people are going to blame President Bush for "ignoring" the North Korean problem because he was fixated on Iraq? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to blame (if blame is to be cast, and I don't think it should be) for also ignoring the problem?

We have recently seen the announcement that the current Government has reduced the Federal Deficit to its lowest rate in four years? This latest year over year reduction fulfills a campaign promise of cutting the deficit in half before 2009 (yep, three years early for all you naysayers out there).

Question - How many people are going to look at the various mis-statement in President Bush's "resume" and admit the error of their ways? After all, along with this record reduction we also have the healthiest stock market ever and the a continually decreasing jobless rates.

Just a couple of questions .... all in the hope of good dialogue.

(figuring I'm going to be moderated soon!)

10-11-2006, 02:43 PM
If I were to blame Bush, it wouldn't be because he was fixated on Iraq. No, he's got a lot of irons in his fire - planning this upcoming war with Iran, for one (and boy do I wish I were wrong, but it wouldn't surprise me at all), trying to keep the house and senate, for another, so that he doesn't end up under investigation, looking for further ways to gut the constitution, so that he keeps control...

No, I'd blame him for deciding that he just wouldn't talk to people he didn't like, which means there are NO means available for any diplomatic action, and for mouthing off and calling Korea part of the axis of evil to start with - and then going to war with Iraq, another part of the axis of evil, which left that nut in Korea to assume (possibly rightly so) that getting lumped into the Axis of Evil means that you're likely to be hit with a preemptive war.

I don't know where you've seen the federal deficit announcement. I haven't see it, and I see a LOT of the mainstream media. I'd wonder about the validity of it, considerably, given that this is the same administration that wanted to count McDonalds jobs as manufacturing, so the numbers wouldn't look so bad.

We have a healthy stock market - if you're wealthy enough to own stock. If you're poor, your chances of making it to the point where a healthy stock market matters has gotten less and less - given that even places like WalMart are looking for ways to cut personnel costs, so their wages and health insurance has suffered. Just takes one good (?) illness to put some of these people so far behind they'll never get out.

Decreasing joblessness rates? Nah. What you have there is no true indication of those who have given up. You only have how many have filed claims. Once the benes run out, and there are only service/minimum wage or slightly above minimum wage jobs available, some people just give up. Or they join the great underemployed. Going from 60k a year jobs to 18k a year jobs, and still trying to raise a family.


Buckaroo Banzai
10-11-2006, 11:32 PM
This is our "Leader"?
I thought my understadning was limited according to some. Lol.


The idea that we can dictate to any country "who can and cannot" have or use nuclear weapons is laughable, IMHO.

Being that we are the only country that actually used the bomb to destroy cities full of innocent families, why would anyone outside the US believe we wouldn't do it again?

Seems to me this is why a body like the UN is so important and being willing to TALK with your enemies seems "prudent".

What reason does North Korea have to send a nuke our direction knowing that they will be "bombed into the stone age" as we threatened to do to Pakistan after 9/11 if they didn't cooperate with us?

As for the voodoo economics, we'll see what the numbers really are in good time. Remember the surplus? Oh yeah, corporations and m(b)illionaires needed their tax breaks in a "time of war" while so many middle and lower income families make the ultimate sacrifice. What did they get as a tax break? 3-5 HUNDRED dollars?

Compassionate conservatism at it best.
Heck of a job.
