View Full Version : just a couple of questions

04-01-2006, 07:35 PM
I am buying my segway very soon. I have 2 ruptered discs and 2 others fused, I was thrilled to get on the segway and move like a normal person. I skiied for years when i was younger and this was just like being back on skis. my questions are 1.what is the best way to carry a cane? And 2.do you have many run-ins with dogs? Do

Love at first sight!

04-02-2006, 02:19 AM
I carry a cane on my Segway. Originally, I had a six inch section of PVC pipe attached via Velcro to the lower section of the control shaft. The PVC pipe was about 2" in diameter. I would just drop the cane through it and it would stay in place just fine. It worked kind of like a little umbrella stand.

I also have the 12.0 handlebar bag. At some point I just started stick my cane through a loop on the back of the back and sticking the tip into a corner of the foot tray. This new technique seems to work pretty well, though the PVC pipe was much a more stable way to secure the cane.


04-02-2006, 08:19 AM
What ever method you use, I would highly suggest not letting the cane have any chance on dropping down in front of the moving Segway and catapulting you over the front.

I would make sure that the bottom of the cane holder has a good 2-3 inch deep secured bottom for it to drop into so that when you hot a bump it will not slip over the front edge and cause some damage.

Hope all goes well with your new means of getting around.

04-03-2006, 06:09 PM
I have a clip on the HT for the cane.

But I have found it's better, for me anyway, to keep it in my right hand and use it as a weapon if need be !