View Full Version : Treadmill

11-23-2005, 02:44 PM
Could this concept be applied to the Segway?

Details at http://www.bikeforest.com/tread/index.php
Be sure to check out the 'sweet jumps' link. Its a hoot.

Anything worth doing for 2 hours is 10 times more worthwhile if done for 20 hours.
RUSA #235

11-23-2005, 10:23 PM
Better suited to a bicycle. Uses leg power and it's not intuitive.


To repeat what others have said requires education; to appropriately challenge what others have said, requires brains.

11-23-2005, 11:23 PM
Ok that's too funny!... loved the couch bike story

I love my magic carpet!

11-24-2005, 12:20 AM
It's been a while, but someone drew a concept "treadmill Segway" way back in the day. If you do a search (which I would do, but it's generally a bit slow for some reason), you can probably find the photo.


11-24-2005, 02:07 AM
You can find the picture of the concept on my homepage. Its an image Ricardo Kuhn came up with. It is just a concept, to date. He is a member of SC. You can find it on my web page at the top of my link and others. Here's the link to Ricardo.


Oh, John, he's into bike building big time, also.

"Wouldn't it be cool, if?...is like Folgers in my cup"

11-24-2005, 03:14 PM
This design could be improved by replacing the wheels with stationary legs and placing it on a moving sidewalk.


11-24-2005, 05:33 PM
I wonder if the treadmill slows down as you stop or if there is even a place to bail out on the side of the platform if you need to stop running/jogging?

Does it have gears to make it go faster? Looks like it goes the same speed as you are running. Kinda defeats the point of the exercise, doesn't it? I mean you might as well jog or run to where ever it is your going, you still have to jog/walk back at your normal speed or push it if you get tired, right?

It just dawned on me from Ricardo's site that the Parking meter enclosed Segway (Dept. of Transportation) has dual wheels. Now this is a partial reality made possible with Itsi's dually adapters. Now if we can get someone to make the enclosure, wouldn't that be great?
I wonder if this is what got Itsi started thinking about making duallies?

"Wouldn't it be cool, if?...is like Folgers in my cup"