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Old 06-06-2014, 06:18 AM   #122
Hans Willems
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Originally Posted by KSagal View Post
I have never heard of any sort of gag order that would prevent any future action unless we get represented now in this action...

What happens to a person who buys a segway next year? That cannot be legally supportable.

I suspect that this will never stand up to appeal, regardless of how this goes, but that may be their plan. If they just make it inconvenient enough, and make enough hurtles to just get to the starting gate, that may be all they need...

We much remember that they have a series of lawyers on retainer all the time, and they know that any individual or group of individuals will not have that much structure and resources behind them...

Perhaps we need to get some groups like the ACLU to wage this battle for us. They claim to stand up for the individual, but I feel they really like to tear down any large capitalistic group like Disney...

I have no respect at all for the ACLU, and have been very careful in my representation of them. I am really trying to keep politics out of this post.

What I am trying to say is that I believe that what I have read seems to have been crafted by some smart lawyers clearly on the side of Disney. We may need to consider that a bigger organization may need to help fight this fight...

I am from Europe the Netherlands and the social care gave me my Segway because of my disabilety of walking more than say 200 mtrs. they have payed, in my case half the Segway, this depence on your income, I had the choice of getting a electric chair, (scootmobile) but I prefered my Segway, this took some investigation and 2 times inspecters wanted to see me perform, but I have got one!
I am allowed to right everywhere on the pavement max and the rest 20 km.
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Kind regards
Hans Willems
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