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Old 01-15-2013, 07:16 AM   #121
rwoynaro is on a distinguished road
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Originally Posted by Tarkus View Post
Thanks Bob.

On the legislative track:

In 2008 DRAFT testified before The National Council on Disability

These people report to the Congress, Senate and President and it normally takes many years to get an invitation to testify.

We also presented testimony at the public hearings for the Notice of proposed rule change that the Dept. of Justice held last July.

This is a "Fun" read and not just about Segways. It does not paint paint a pretty picture of how corporate America sees people with disabilities.

We also spent countless hours on "The Hill" speaking with the Congress and Senate about our cause.

Not to mention the many people we have met in D.C through our Segs4Vets program.

The federal regulatory level (ADA)

With a new Administration we await the results of last Notice of Proposed rule change. Just what happens in Washington. With a little luck things will settle in and we will hear the results.

Just getting the Segway mentioned in that proposal was a feat.


I assure you that nobody needs to hire an attorney or come to Florida. But our numbers do matter !

The court has charged Jerry Kerr, Draft President with providing the objections of the "class". We will keep you informed on how to register your objections and any other actions that may be taken. We will provide all info needed to do this VERY soon.

I expect to have more to add next week. The fight is on.

As can be seen from DRAFT's above work at the Federal level we would have preferred a decision there, and that still may be the case.

We believe in 'Education over Litigation" but now that we are in we need your help.

We are in this together and I will keep you all informed.

Thanks again Bob for the questions. We need to be heard.

Be Big,

Hi Alan: First, thanks very very much for your advocacy efforts. I just felt the need to address one line you had posted, " It does not paint a pretty picture of how corporate America sees people with disabilities." I can only speak from my own experience in my particular case, by I work for Lockheed Martin, a very very large corporation and the world's largest defense contractor and as a significantly handicapped person, they are overwhelmingly supportive of their employees, especially so any of those who have any disabilities. They have gone way out of their way to insure that I not only can continue to work, but have a great quality of life too. I suspect much of it is due to the great personal qualities of the people I am blessed to work with, but the corporate representatives without exeception have been outstanding and I am very greatful. They really look out for me and I believe they truely value all their employees. Perhaps it's because its in their best interest to retain certain skill-sets, but non-the-less they do. I feel so strongly about this that I felt I needed to point this out, at least not ALL corporations are non-supportive of the handicapped nor disabled. From your work, I can see you have a far more widespread and probably more accurate view of the state of things that I do, its probably more reflective of reality unfortunately. I do appreciate very much your efforts on behalf of the disabled. But I do strongly support LM's philosphy and efforts as well. More corporations should follow suit.
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